cOme n eNjoy mY bLogzZz...!!woOhoO..!! ~(^_-)~

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Tips to get softer feet and hands

  • Use a foot file each time you shower/bath.
  • At least once a week, make a scrub for both your hands and feet. Here is one good scrub.
  • You may also slough off dead skin cells with a solution made of sea salt lemon. Brush it into hands with an old toothbrush. Do this twice a week to soften hands and remove discoloration.
  • Put lotion on every day.
  • Also get insoles for your shoes.
  • Soften your hands even while you do the dishes. Add a little almond oil (about a teaspoon) to dishwater. The water will soften rough skin while the oil seals the moisture.
  • Take 1 spoon of sugar, lemon juice and fresh cream. Rub it in your hands till the sugar completely dissolves. This really makes the hands soft.

For Beautiful Soft Hands

1/2 cup warm milk, 2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp plain yogurt and a few drops of lavendar essential oil. Soak your hands/fingers in this mix for about 5 minutes. Then do a scrub, nail/cuticle care, massage and polish.

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