cOme n eNjoy mY bLogzZz...!!woOhoO..!! ~(^_-)~

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Tips to get softer feet and hands

  • Use a foot file each time you shower/bath.
  • At least once a week, make a scrub for both your hands and feet. Here is one good scrub.
  • You may also slough off dead skin cells with a solution made of sea salt lemon. Brush it into hands with an old toothbrush. Do this twice a week to soften hands and remove discoloration.
  • Put lotion on every day.
  • Also get insoles for your shoes.
  • Soften your hands even while you do the dishes. Add a little almond oil (about a teaspoon) to dishwater. The water will soften rough skin while the oil seals the moisture.
  • Take 1 spoon of sugar, lemon juice and fresh cream. Rub it in your hands till the sugar completely dissolves. This really makes the hands soft.

For Beautiful Soft Hands

1/2 cup warm milk, 2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp plain yogurt and a few drops of lavendar essential oil. Soak your hands/fingers in this mix for about 5 minutes. Then do a scrub, nail/cuticle care, massage and polish.

Lips care and protection, plus exercises to get fuller, poutier and sexier lips without surgery


Lips have only three to five layers of skin cells compared to 15 over rest of the body. So you need to take care of your lips and protect them, much more than you do for the rest of your body. Essentially, protect your lips against

the environment just like you would protect your skin, with moisturizers, sunscreen et al. It might be a good idea, however, to avoid regular usage of lip-balms hat are petroleum-based, as these are addictive. So look for balms that are non-petroleum based



Here is an exercise that will give your mouth a younger, firmer and fuller look al

together! The Lips get enlarged and the lines above the upper lip smoothen.

You can do it while sitting up or lying down.

The Exercises

. Hold your lips together, without clenching your teeth.
. Put the tip of your index finger in between your upper and lower lips.
. Press lips together and visualize your finger as a stick that is being crushed.
.Gradually, pull out your finger from between the lips, while seeing the stick.
. Draw theenergy point out and lengthen your imaginary stick until you feel the burn.
. Pulse your finger up and down quickly for a count of 30.


Do the pout exercise twice daily to plump up thin lips.

Highly Recommended product for those wanting fuller, poutier, sexier lips without surgery!...

Eye care

Enhance Your Eyes Through Exercise!
Besides the eye make-up and the beauty sleep, you can do this simple exercise everyday to keep your eyes bright, healthy and glowing.

The method.
. While lying down or in a sitting posture, place your middle fingers between the brows, above the bridge of the nose. Place your index fingers at the corners of your outer eye.
. Squint the lower eyelid upwards and feel that eye muscle pulse. Squint and release ten times, focusing on the pulsing each time you squint.
. Now hold the squint and squeeze your eyes tightly shut while counting up to 40. Focus your mind on the outer eye muscle pulsing. Be sure to keep eyes squeezed shut very tight as you count.
. -Don't forget to open your eyes after counting!

The result.
. The muscle surrounding the eyes, which are responsible for opening and closing, get thoroughly exercised.
. Blood circulation in the eye area is enabled and this facilitates the
strengthening of the upper and lower eyelids.
. Under-eye puffiness is reduced.
. Under-eye hollows are uplifted
. You'll look wide-eyed and your eyes will sparkle!

The frequency.
. For best results do it twice in a day.
. To rectify deep hollows or severe under-eye puffiness, under-eye droop or to enlarge the eye socket, do the exercise thrice in a day.

Puffy eyes in the morning?

Just do your exercise twice and then apply your makeup. This will brighten your eyes instantly and banish the look of fatigue.

Tackle the problem of dark circles under the eyes.


Here's some exercise to completely relax the eyes and the surrounding muscles:
. Close your eyes and think of something that is pleasant or soothing and at a distance (like the horizon over a stretch of green, a sail in the midst of a huge water mass).

. Now gently open your eyes and look into the distance.
. Now shift your focus on an object that is at arm's length.

. Do this extremely relaxing exercise four to five times a day.

You will literally feel that fatigue oozing out of your eyes.

Nail Care

  • To help nails grow, and to keep them beautiful, take care of them! Make a nail care professional scream!
  • The nail is made of a hard protein called keratin. A protein is one of the building blocks which make up the body. The nails help protect the ends of the fingers and toes from trauma and also help us pick up small objects.
  • Over the last hundred years, the nails have become more important for cosmetic reasons and less important for protection.
  • Manicuring is the care of the hands and nails. Basic manicuring should be done once a week. Every 4-6 weeks it is a good idea to seek the services of a professional manicurist. A professional manicurist best knows how to keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful. Obviously much of what you will find in these pages applies to anyone who wants to maintain health, beautiful and long nails.
  • Keeping your hands looking clean, feminine, and polished does not require weekly trips to the manicurist! Find easy nail care tips to get the perfect nails you have always wanted..

No need for grimy mitts. Just give your hands a scrub with mild soap and warm water before you go out, using a nailbrush to get the gunge out from under your nails. Oil on hands and under nails can be got rid of with a bit of swarfega, or other cleansing agents.

If your nails go crumbly and whitish or yellowish and separate slightly from the nail bed then it could be a fungal infection. Speak to your doctor, who can prescribe an anti-fungal paint to get rid of it. If you get hangnails or loose skin down the side of the nail, trim it off with sharp scissors to reduce the risk of the skin tearing or infections getting into the skin.

Basic Nail Care
Wash hands with mild soap, using a nailbrush.
Soak the hands in warm water for a few minutes to soften the cuticles (the bits of skin at the bottom of the nails).
Very gently push back the cuticles if they are long and ragged.
Trim the nails to the same length, cutting off any snaggy or spiky bits.
File the ends of the nails to smooth them off.
If your hands are dry, apply some handcream (it doesn't have to be the girly stuff that stinks of flowers, lads).

Don't Bite!
Bitten nails aren't exactly seductive, try an anti-biting nail paint. Tastes absolutely disgusting, but will stop you putting your fingers in your mouth so often.

Use your senses for fabulous discount fragrances, pamper yourself with perfume & fragrance oils at near wholesale pricing

Never settle for second best or good enough when if comes to choosing fragrances. Perfume & fragrance oils should have a scent that totally pleases you. Fragrances should not only make you smell good they should make you feel good too and a perfumed bath or a scented massage should do the trick. Wholesale fragrances can soften the psyche and make us feel great.

When it comes to fragrances, the nose, knows. Certain fragrances often evoke memories and trigger powerful waves of nostalgia. French studies suggest that inhaling different perfumes or fragrance oils can shorten or lengthen alpha or beta waves in the brain resulting in a feeling of calm or of stimulus depending on the particular oil. Fragrances can provide you with a feeling of comfort. Discount, wholesale perfumes are available for Angel, Creed, Vera Wang.

Your fragrance should linger just a little longer than you do while in a room. Dabbing on a small drop before dinner, or spraying on a blast or two of fragrance oils can refresh your senses, and revitalize your mood.

The appeal of fragrance goes back centuries, with the use of plants, animal sources and incense in religious ceremonies. Each civilization had their own use and opinions of fragrance as time passed. Scents emit beauty and allure.

Modern fragrances and perfumes evolved and have become a multi-billion dollar industry. Different types come with various price tags. Perfumes provide the best value but are the costliest of all fragrances.

  • Parfum - The most expensive with the longest staying power.

  • Eau de Parfum - Less oil and staying power.

  • Eau de Toilette - Suitable for office and work environment provided there's no allergies or complaints.

  • Eau de Cologne - The most inexpensive and weakest scent.

The most popular scent categories include:

  • Fresh, natural, green and floral scents

  • Fruity, citrus and spicy

  • Musk and pheromones

  • Oriental

  • Classic woodsy scent

  • Sporty scents

Choosing Fragrance and Perfume

Women often choose their fragrance according to their personality and chemistry without even realizing it. What appeals to them often reflects their personal self.

Fragrances smell different on everybody, so it's best not to test a scent on a friend. When shopping, stick to no more than three or four perfumes so you don't confuse them. A fragrance will smell different several minutes after you apply it, so give it some time before making any decisions.

Applying Fragrance

  • Apply fragrance to your skin and pulse points only. Allow it to dry naturally. Do not rub your wrists together, this will alter and diminish the scent. Avoid using it near your face or behind your ears. There is notaying power in those locations and this will only dry out your skin.
  • To avoid any stains and discoloration, do not get any on your clothing or jewelry. Let your fragrance dry before getting dressed. Some perfumes are darker and have more of a tendency to stain, so take special care with "dry clean only" clothing that can't be washed after every wear. Follow proper storage rules, fragrance will darken with age and improper storage.
  • For a longer staying aroma, apply the same scent in layers. Many fragrances also come in bath soap, gel, and body lotion. Top off with perfume of the same scent for the long run. This will probably last you six to eight hours.
  • Keep strong fragrances out of the office and workplace. Some people genuinely have an allergy to perfumes and don't appreciate the irritation. They can produce headaches and bring on an asthma attack, so apply sparingly.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


  • i dUnNo mUch boUt bLog...sO, iN otHer woRds, diZ iS mY 1st bLog...4 u gUys oUthEre...,leT's cHeck iT oUt..!!!;p


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